Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Fucking Poem

I don't want to write a fucking poem,
A lyric verse of my life woes.
Why write myself a poem,
When I know how the freaking story goes?

It's all a great big bore,
And then a great big sob,
"Nothing ever goes my way,"
I say as a sniveling slob.

I only write when I'm sad,
And occasionally when I'm pissed.
Each time it's a foolish rhyme
Dealing with how not often i get kissed.

I'd tell myself "SUCK IT UP,"
But I say that all the time
Never learned to take advice,
So that little voice should just resign.

I was feeling angsty when I wrote this, can ya tell?

The big splash into the river...

I guess you have to at least admire my friend for having the guts to try this. (remember, she wasn't harmed)