Let's start with televisioin, shall we?
I wouldn't call myself a tv-acholic, but I do love some shows. When you just can't sit still long enough for an entire movie, but you have some time on your hands, tv always saves the day.
The new love of my life is Dexter
This show is about a serial killer, working as a blood splatter specialist with the miami police. Kinda creepy and morbid, right?
Well he's actually a bit of a good guy. He only kills other killers! And, I'm going to be honest, my favorite thing about him is that he doesn't know how to have emotions, and it's the funniest thing to watch him try to understand his girlfriend and sister. This show is a great mix of thriller and funny, I highly recommend.
Next: Veronica Mars
This show only has three seasons, and I only love the first two but they are SO worth the watch. Let's just put it this way: If you love smart-mouthed girls who know how to be conniving, tricky, and funny then you will love this show. It's not new, but hey, sometimes all the best of shows aren't running anymore (and what a shame that is.)
and I'll conclude tv with Psych
If you ever need a show to quote, then THIS SHOW RIGHT HERE is for you. Shawn Spencer and his friend Gus are the funniest characters ever. Shawn is a guy who pretends to be a psychic, when really he's just super observant and great at puzzles. Think "The Mentalist" but crazy facial expressions and a great sidekick.
Gnomeo & Juliet

I actually went with a friend to the movies and watched this yesterday. I'm a sucker for Romeo and Juliet, and actually enjoyed this movie even though it was made for little kids. I'm not saying run out and watch this movie, I'm just saying that if it's the only thing playing at the theater, then it's not a total waste of money. It's in 3-D (which I would like to protest due to it being UNNECESSARY in EVERY movie) so if you love that kind of thing, there's another reason to go and watch it.
The Crazies
This movie was actually a pleasant surprise. Personally, I don't like scary movies, but this is an exception...partially because it's not scary, it's a thriller. This movie really did make me jump quite a bit, but it also had a whole other aspect I didn't think it would-romance. And not cheesy teenage romance either. A married couple just trying to keep each other alive. It was cute and jumpy at the same time, gotta give it props for that;)
My Girlfriends Boyfriend
I wasn't expecting much out of this movie. It didn't make it to the theaters, it's "independent", and besides Alyssa Milano the other actors (I thought) were unknowns. But this movie gave me the best unexpected twist ever. It was so unexpected that at the end of the movie I almost didn't understand. And I'm sure this movie review isn't making to much sense, but I can't tell you and spoil it all. The only thing I can say is PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE. It's so cute, you won't regret it:)
And now, finally, music!
I can't help but start off with my new, mostest favorite band, ever. It took apromixatly 10.7 seconds for me to fall in love with
He Is We
So I'll admit that this band's songs are more for girls (not saying anything if you are a guy and you like this band, good for you) but I just can't help but love them. Youtube them, I dare you not to fall madly in love with their skill. Song to look up? Run
Gregory and The Hawk
Okay, so they look slighty creepy in this picture, and their songs are slightly creepy. They only have two that I'll listen to, but man will they blow you away. They're the kind of songs that make you sad, yet you can't help but continue to play them over and over and over. song to look up? A Wish
Ingrid Michaelson
This woman does no wrong. Okay, so maybe there are a few songs I'm not in love with, but that doesn't mean anything. She's a lyrical mastermind. Three songs of her's to look up: Parachute, Be okay, and Sort Of
And just because I can't resist leaving you with something that made my night just a little while ago here is the creepest song you will ever love. Make sure to look up this guy's other stuff on YouTube. It's not all songs, mostly just skits in fact, but he is so damn funny.
Julian Smith - I'm Reading A Book (something that I need to do soon actually...)