Thanks to no school and, hence, more free time I've been able to read some good stuff and watch a few decent (and crappy) movies. Some of the movies I watched are new, some aren't, and the same goes for the books. I thought I'd share to either spare people from wasting perfectly good time and money, or to suggest a good way to relax and spend summer vacation. Whichever way you'd like to take it.
Lets kick it off with movies:
The A-Team: I thought that this was going to be another amazingly stupid movie that Hollywood made because they were starting to get bored and needing something to occupy their time. I was wronggggg. No, this movie is not a romantic comedy or a chick flick in any way, but yes, even girls will like it. This movie was so funny, I and probably everyone else in the theater almost peed ourselves laughing. You and your boyfriend or best guy friend can't decide on a good movie to watch? Go. See.
The Princess and The Frog: I was truly excited to finally watch this movie. I loved all the princess movies as a child, and I knew that it wasn't going to be as great as the originals, but I still expected something good to come out of it. In all honesty, the movie wasn't bad, it just wasn't good either. The songs weren't memorable, the story was beyond cliche, and it wasn't realistic at all. Yes, I know we're talking about a movie where they turn into frogs, but in the storyline we're talking about a "man-hoe" prince who within three days (or so) of knowing this girl, decides he wants to marry her. Yes, because that's going to last forever and ever. Still one to watch if you haven't already seen it, just don't have high hopes is all.
hen In Rome: Disappointment. It was cute, a little funny, but so unreal it makes me sad. The female main character is a complete looney with no sense of...anything really. She's just kind of shallow and silly to me. A good one to watch with your girlfriends if you get bored. You'll most likely like it, but then a week later not remember much of it.
Shutter Island: Now they had to trick me to get me

to see this movie. I don't like scary movies or movies that make me jump all around while I'm trying to watch them, so when I say that this movie wasn't scary, believe me. It was a suspense and a mystery, but nothing more. The end was the kind where your still not sure about it at all and you'll think about it for days later. It's also the movie where you should watch it twice to catch all the stuff you missed the first time (though I didn't). It's a good movie to save for a rainy day.
Now that I've bored everyone with that, lets get on to books.
gs by Aprilynne Pike: The description sounded good, but the book wasn't all that great. The plot just wasn't all there for me and I didn't get immersed into the characters like you normally do with a good book. The main character, for instance, didn't have much of a personalty for me. Cute, not really funny, but a good touch of romance.
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway: Super good. The book was funny, you fell in love with the characters, and most of all, it made me think. Its about a girl who gets famous by association, and in the tabloies they make up all kinds of crap about her and the things they do to her. It makes you wonder why we all put so much effort in to "Keeping Up With the Kardashian's"and all that BS. This is an amazing book, totally suggest it.
The Poison Apples by Lily Archer: Funny, interesting, a bit of a feel good book. It's a little hard to keep up with the four changing perspectives, but still good. I think there will be a sequel, but one never knows.

Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis: I should've known by the title to not get this book. Thankfully it was short and didn't take me very long to read. The book wasn't terrible, but it was just kind of stupid and part of that vampire/werewolf craze that Twilight started. If you have to do a book report and just want to get it over with, this book will do. If you want an intellectual read that makes you think a least a little, stay far away.
Welcome to Wahoo by Dennis and Elise Carr: fantabulous. This book was so hilarious and a very good read. By the end of it, I was wishing I knew someone like the main character. It's short and loveable, makes you mad and makes you laugh. All in all, a very, very good book.
So I might do this again, even if no one reads it or likes it, it's still a good way for me to keep up with some of the good and bad stuff I've read and watched this summer. Hope it's helpful at least:)
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